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Qualified Teacher of Alexander Technique (IATT)

Teaching and treating musicians, Athletes, actors, preformers, therapists, hi-tech workers and anyone who is looking for improved quality of life.


Via Alexander Technique and Yoga I am helping rehabilitation and prevention of injuries, releiving pressure and improving posture and general functioning.

Try, you will be surpriced


What is Alexander Technique for me ?

Alexander Technique for me is a way of life and a saving of a life.

From the moment I met A.T. it accomponies me in every action I make.

When I am in pain and my movements are restricted I look to A.T. to find alternatives, and to continue to function in a more aware and positive way. This is the technique I teach and treat.

The positive and unimaginable change that I experienced when I first encountered A.T. gave me to understand that, in order to enjoy this method permanently, I must learn how it works, and from that moment on, the principles of this technique accompanies me in all my activities, and foremost my thoughts.

Here I want to emphasize that, by conveying this technique, there is an improvment from the first encounter in body functioning and lessening of pain.

Whoever wants better control over himself permanently, is advised to keep on studying this technique.

The more I study, the greater the influence, and the benefit.

Welcome to my website

I invite you to re-discover with joy, how to function with greater ease and less effort,and to bring into action natural healing strengths that are inside us since birth.

By explanation and touch, I will bring you to understand a new way to exploit principles of A.T. in every days life.

In a unique Yoga lassons combined with the A.T. principles you'll have a most singular experience.


ALEXANDER TECHNIQUE was founded by Frederick Matthias Alexander 1869-1995.

F.M Alexander was an actor who suffered from hoarseness and loss of voice.

Alexander developed a technique for taming his body so that there would be no damage to his vocal chords. In fact he discovered that the method favorably influenced many health problems.

The user of A.T. rediscovers the ability to use his body to function better, and reduces exertion, that brings him to confront better with his health problems.

An ease sense awakens and calms us.

Once you try you'll undertand!


The speciality of A.T. is the Inhibition and the Non-duing as a basis for changing habits.

We spot those harmful actions, and how to stop them in order to function easier, and with less pain.

Pleasant feeling embraces us during this proccess.

Try and be surpriced!

Alexander Technique lesson

Let the neck be free

The head leeds forword and up

and the back is lengthening and widening

Alexander Technique lesson

With a touch followed by explanation:

          Let the neck be free

The head leeds forword and up

and the back is lengthening and widening


Alexander Technique as a basis for Yoga lessons

When I started to learn A.T.  I continued teaching and practicing yoga on a daily basis.

I was surprised to learn that teaching and practising yoga became easier and even pleasanter. Today, the Yoga that I teach, Yoga for life, is based on principles of A.T.

Course that I gave to A.T. teachers at the annual seminar 2015

Advantages of Alexander Technique in Yoga

What is the advantage of A.T.  via Yoga?

In A.T. we learn how to create a quality relationship between the neck, the head and the back via the principles of A.T. 

Through this, the natural order of the body  is renewed , so that the skeleton stops shrinking, and a feeling of relief and lightness fills us. Our breathing becomes natural, longer and quieter.

This conditions permits a quality practice of yoga: effortless movments occurs by attentioned breathing.

When I pay attention before, during and after Assana (yoga posture), to the relations between my neck, head and back, I enable myself to enjoying the extreme effect of yoga posture on my health in an easier and pleasanter way.

Assanas that seem to be impossible, turn out, like magic, to be easy to follow...

What did we do in the course?

In the course we started in Padma Assana and awakened our attention to the way in which we use our A. T. directions. We turned our attention to the way we breathe and made a connection between the awareness of the breathing movement and the A.T. directions. We continued on to layed down Assanas where the starting point was the A.T.'s lay down. We continued with sitting and upside down Assanas. Finished with standing up Assanas, awaking the A.T. directions and conscious breathing, that leads to movement. 

I used simple Assanas due to the different levels in the course, while placing my goal in demonstrating the advantages if A.T in Yoga.


Do you want to look and feel better?

Do you want to improve your lifestyle?

Intrested in decreessing your pain?

Intrested in making your action easier?

Are you in need of rehabilitation?

If so, this is the place for you.

Come and be surprised!





Private lesson/treatment of Alexander Technique, about 45 minutes- Learning and treatment by explanation and touch.

Session of 5 lessons of the five Alexander Technique principles.

Session of 10 lessons of the five Alexander Technique principles thourally.

Individual Yoga based on Alexander Technique principles for about an hour.

Small classes of Yoga based on Alexander Technique principles. Personal attention and relaxed environment.

Seminar of Alexander Technique.

Seminar of Yoga based on Alexander Technique.

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